pbLua Corner

Complete redesign and new address in progress... (ASkr, 8/2009)
This won't ever change ;)

"Lua ist die segensreichste Erfindung seit Einführung gemischter Jungs- und Mädchenschulen."
Ursprung bekannt

I was curious, so I tried (and even bought, if necessary) them all (compilation by Steve Hassenplug).

Although every single programming environment/language had its own advantages, I always came back for Ralph Hempels pbLua.

(pb)Lua is fast, lightweight, versatile and you don't even need a PC (although this is 'somehow recommended'.
Typing code in SMS style on your mobile phone is no fun at all [but possible] 8-)

Visit Ralph's site for more information about the NXT implementation and usage of pbLua, or go for www.lua.org to see where and how it all started.

A small, but growing collection of assorted tips & tricks about pbLua.

Win7 pbLua driver A quick and dirty workaround for Windoze 7: The pbLua emergency driver. Required because the old one does not work with M$ "newest" OS...
pins and ports Handling pins directly can be a bit tricky. Learn how to get the best out of it.
(un)loading modules As of version "J", pbLua supports unloading modules to save memory.
save memory with mBits A multiple bit storage class. Saves huge amount of memory if you only need to store an arbitrary bit width (1, 2, 3, ..., 32).
gaining speed A quick session about how to write fast code.