
An ethernet controller for your Lego-NXT.

ASkr 10/09:
Soon in a network near you...

Obtaining real time sensor (or whatever) data from your NXT can be quite challenging. A display helps a lot but does unfortunately not have a 360° viewing angle.
I already had a Microchip ENC28J60 in several other projects but sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees...

I tried to hook up the chip to the NXT directly but unfortunately the limited amount of RAM does not left a single byte for an application.
Well, another Propeller project was born...

10/2009: More to come...

Note 02/09:
Although the update of this project is still pending (like most stuff ;-), parts of it have been implemented in the Promp3ller MP3-player.

ASkr 10/2009