MicroPropUnit, just a tiny, standard component Propeller board, targeted for
GrabschKam (and more)...
V1.0 schematic...
...and test layout
to be written...
Circuit Description
There is not much to say about this standard (but customized) Propeller board, but just
to make sure you don't miss anything:
Power Supply
Power supply can either be 4-15V, attached to "+Ub" on JP1 or JP2 or regulated
+3.3V on JP1 and JP3.
If you decide to power the circuit via "+3V3", leave +5V unconnected!
Attaching power to the 4-14V input "+Ub" (5V recommended) is probably the best
choice. Internal 3.3V-Propeller supply is generated via the LF33.
If you have additional, external stuff operating at the 3.3V rail, keep an eye on
the LF33 power dissipation.
Pins, well...
They are connected to JP1, JP2 and JP3 ;-)
JP2 offers a Propeller-standard VGA interface.
Notice that P16 (VSYNC) is also fed to JP3-7.
In case you don't use VGA, you have a full 8 bit port available at JP3.
X2 is a Propeller-standard "Mini-Clip" (or MiniFTDI) interface,
usually used for programming the EEPROM or serial communication.
LEDs are made of people. Everyone wants one...
Some Useless Pics
- schematic (PDF)
- placement drawing (PDF)
- layout, Gerber (xxx)
DOWNLOAD: MicroPropUnit_hard_V11.zip Hardware, V1.1
ASkr 02/2011: initial public release V1.0
ASkr 01/2013: V11, updated placement drawing; now Eagle V6